Career Capers (Part III)
Where were we? Oh yes, a new boyfriend, who was part owner of a large sailboat that was being restored at a beautiful Caribbean island, invited me to join him and his friends for an extended sojourn on the boat. This was in the middle of a frigid Alberta winter. I was twenty something and I didn’t love my job. A bit recklessly perhaps, I made my escape.
Turquoise seas, white sand beaches, I spent an idyllic couple of months in a Caribbean paradise
After several months of hedonistic living, I returned to the harsh reality of no job and no money, although I did have a very good tan! Friends helped me to get temporary work as a waitress, and eventually I heard about an opening at a local business magazine. It was a relatively small operation, but my title would be Associate Editor - woohoo!
This job entailed trips to small cities and towns throughout the province, interviewing the business managers and writing stories about the local economic development. It was challenging and fun, and when my boss left the company I was promoted to her position as Editor.
My adventure in living out west came to an end finally, when I split up with my very attractive but slightly dangerous beau and decided I needed the support of my family back in Ontario. I packed all my worldly goods into the Pinto station wagon I had bought second hand for the work commute, and made the 3,000 kilometer drive home by myself. Thank goodness that humble vehicle did not let me down, and the journey was uneventful.
1974 Ford Pinto - My car was not as nice as this ONE😉.
Three days later, I was once again jobless, but at least I had a place to live (with my parents) until I found my feet financially. I was welcomed home, and I was happy to be there!