How to have a happy life

The road of life can be smooth(er)!

As a woman of a certain age, I’m often asked on Tik Tok and Instagram what advice I would give to young people.

I don’t pretend to have a sure fire way to be successful or find a partner or do great things in life. But I’m happy to share my personal philosophy that has brought me to my seventies in a pretty good place, literally and figuratively.

First of all, listen to your inner voice about what is right for you. Other people may think you are weird or a non-conformist. Let them. It’s your life and you have a right to wear what you want, to study or read what you like, to have friends with whom you relate.

That said, respect other people’s opinions and try to see their points of view (especially your parents’).

Next, balance is everything. From emotions (go a little crazy when you get good news, but not too crazy). to diet (eat a variety of healthy foods and the occasional treat), to exercise (daily but not to excess) - you get the picture - it’s all about control and moderation.

Flowers bring me joy

Forgive yourself - we all make mistakes, it’s a part of being human. Learn from the misses and go forward. And the inverse of this: treat yourself - to fresh flowers or time to read a book (free from the library) or see a movie. You deserve it!

Help others. Whether it’s a charitable donation or an offer to babysit your offering will be appreciated. Make someone else happy.

Be financially responsible. Pay off credit card bills monthly or cut up your cards. Why let the banks make money off of you? Financial worries absolutely drag you down.

Hard to be unhappy on a sunny day at the beach

Finally, attitude is a big one. Thinking positively is a habit anyone can acquire. Bad things are going to happen in life but you control how you react to them. You can wallow in self pity or you can look for the silver lining, or even just change the channel in your mind. Going for a walk is a highly underrated activity!

Ciao Bella!


One loop at a time Part III


One loop at a time Part II